Edale 12th - 15th April 2014
Written By Alice
Pretty much every year my family goes on a walking holiday to Edale which is a tiny village in the Peak District. This year I decided to go for 3 nights of the week they were there as I don’t really go on family holidays any more. I'm too busy single handily conquering the world for family holidays. However it was a lovely way to spend a few days away, especially after the madness of Belfast. The village of Edale is completely cut off from the world as there is no phone signal in the valley and the flat had no WiFi. It made a change to not be able to constantly check my phone.
During the few days I was there we walked from Edale over
Hollins cross. This is an old route which women used to use to get to work in the mill. I struggle to get over it normally so these women must
have been a lot stronger than me to do it twice a day. We walked
back via the Blue John mines which I used to love going down when I was
younger. This wasn't a particularly long walk, only about 6 miles. On the
second day we walked over loose hill and into the town of Hope where we went in
a café with wifi so I sat there ignoring my family for an hour. We walked back along the valley. It was about 10 miles and a very nice walk.
In the evenings we would either go the pub or sit in the
cottage and watch TV. It was a nice opportunity just to spend some time with my
family who I don’t see very often these days and to get away from real life for a
bit. But a few days in the country is enough for me before I am desperate to be back surrounded by people.
I didn't take any photos while I was out there if you want to see what Edale looks like, Google it.
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